Keeping the children entertained and out of trouble is one of the easiest things to overlook when planning your wedding. Here are 8 great ideas to help keep the little (and big!) rascals busy!
1. Art and Craft Station

A simple brown paper bag filled with art and craft bits and bobs is a great way to keep children entertained at the table. Or, even better, why not set up an art and craft station that children can visit through the day to make things like cards, draw pictures, model pipe cleaners or cut and stick? Stocked with card, glue, stickers, feathers, crayons, glitter, pipe cleaners, play-doh and any other crafty supplies you can find will keep most children entertained for hours especially if there is a purpose. Suggest a couple of tasks to spark their imagination e.g. make a card for the bride and groom, make a mask for the photo booth/a photograph etc.
2. Outdoor Games

If you are lucky enough to have good weather at your wedding, why not set up some fun outdoor lawn games? Traditional and retro games such as Croquet, Jenga, Boules, Connect Four, Space Hoppers, Twister and Giant Snakes and Ladders all provide great entertainment for kids and adults alike!
3. Indoor Games

If Mr Sunshine has gone on holiday, you could consider bringing your large outdoor lawn games indoors where possible (and safe) or set up an indoor games area on a smaller scale with favourite board games that are quick and easy to play (i.e. not Game of Life or MouseTrap!!!) such as Guess Who, Uno, Operation, Hungry Hippos and Snakes and Ladders.
4. Indoor Movie Theatre

After the main event and once the evening celebrations kick in, have a movie set up in a quieter area with bean bags and soft cushions for children to come and rest. Consider bags of popcorn and other cinema snacks for them to enjoy while indulging in a film.
5. Scavenger Hunt

This will keep all the guests entertained at your wedding and could provide you with some lovely candid photos too for the wedding album! Make a list of things to find, or for older children a list of clues or riddles with the answer being easily photographed, and then set them off on a scavenger hunt. You could even provide disposable cameras. Print a list for them to tick off as they find things.
6. Get the Professionals involved

Hire a professional entertainer for a portion of the day/evening to provide interactive entertainment for the kids. They can have their own little party in an adjoining room during the speeches with magic, balloon modelling, games or theatre depending on what suits your theme. If you know that you are going to have a lot of children at your wedding, a professional entertainer could be worth the investment!
7. Personalised Party Packs

Packed full of treats and activities for children to explore at the table, these don’t have to be expensive and can be adjusted to be made more age appropriate to suit your little guests. Things such as crayons, cards, bubbles, toys, snacks and juice, crafty supplies, glo sticks and pompoms, magic wands, wind-up toys, an empty mask template to decorate for use in the photo booth later etc. All will keep an active mind happily entertained for a while.
8. Photo Booth mask making station

Again, a crafty idea but more specific this time… Near to the photo booth set up a mask making station with plenty of glitter, sequins, glue sticks, colours (felts or crayons), scissors and coloured card. Children and adults can make masks to have their photos taken in the photo booth. Make sure you choose a smallish template or even a headband instead as otherwise you are going to end up with a lot of pics of people you can’t recognise!!!